Kerkythea prerelease 1 3 03 beta 1

Características nuevas. Here are some of the features:
1. Addition of depth render (1st hit only).
2. Addition of bidirectional Path Tracer.
[Thin Lens, cylindrical/Spherical cameras, Lafortune material not yet supported]
3. Enhanced material library manipulation.
4. Added improved perlin-noise procedural texture.
5. Procedural support of Bump mapping, clip mapping.
6. Added normal mapping.
7. Added bevel mapping.
[an innovative característica found only in kt, forget about beveling in the modeler making meshes heavier – Do it in the renderer itself.]
8. Material editor procedural texture support.
9. Material editor bitmap/procedural options support.

Para windo-ws.
https://users, hol, gr/~matrixhl/Kerk…

Para Linus.
https://users, hol, gr/~matrixhl/Kerk…03-pb1.tar, gz.