Blasphemy y Otoy

He estado viendo un enlace sacado de evermotion hoy: liveplace todo launch photo-realistic virtual world rendered in the cloud.

En el cual, por lo que he podido leer profesional encima, es una engine gráfico en tiempo real creo que para videojuegos, ahora viene lo mejor, en ese engine en tiempo real, al principio de video viene el famoso video de Barcelona, y luego ya un video del motor gráfico, eso sí, salteado por una imagen que también me sonaba de que era suya, aunque de eso no estoy seguro.

Investigando un poco más, he visto que hay más videos en esa página sobre otoy, por lo visto, está en desarrollo o algo así, el caso es que sale otro video de, el del Transformer, y me ha empezado a oler muy mal, así que, si le esto, que investigue, si esta de acuerdo, pues lo pongo como noticia.

Los otros videos: otoy develooping server-side 3d rendering technology.

Si alguien sabe algo del tema, pues que poste. Un saludo a todos.

liveplace, com has posted a video displaying a very impressive render of a 3d virtual world called city space. At this point very Little is known about liveplace, other than that the whois lists the domains Owner as Brad Grenspan, one of the co-founders of myspace. Note: it appears that in the 20 minutes since i spoke todo Grenspan about this mensaje, someone was told todo take liveplace down (apparently nobody was supposed todo find it).
update: theyve taken the video down. Weve republished a copy, below.
The other nugget of información found in the video is that the game is running on otoy, the 3d engine that renders graphics in the cloud the technology allows relatively Weak computers (or Even mobile phones) todo display incredibly detailed graphics comparable todo those sen in Hollywood movies.
Note: weve put up a slightly modified versión of the video at the request of otoy. Weve removed a 10 second sequence that was originally intended for an unaired Audi commercial. Otoys jules urbach says that the rom Will be in the future virtual world, but asked that we remove the scene for now. The video shows a massive virtual city filled with towering skyscrapers, parks, user-customized apartments and houses, public meting places, subways, and everything else you might expect in a metropolitan área, all beautifully rendered by the otoy engine. The game a los features impressive real time lighting, reflection, and weather effects that rival those sen in detailed 3d games (and Even some movies).

At this point it appears that gameplay Will be focused on human avatares, who can own their own living spaces and offices, buy and sell gods at a virtual mall, and interact with each other in public places.
While there are a number of online games that ofer impressive graphics (though none of this caliber), the real potential behind liveplace and the otoy engine is the cloud-based rendering engine, which allows games on almost any computer todo play without neding a powerful graphics card. Otoy has ben developed todo work in any browser without a plugin, which makes the barrier for entry into this virtual world much lower than Second Life. Of course, we have no idea when city space Will actually launch, so its far todo early todo hail it as the second coming of social online worlds.
update 2: according todo this comentario, portions of the video are taken from an artistas portfolio that may not be related todo liveplace (the video he linked todo is idéntical todo the first 10 seconds of the clip above). Its posible that the artista works for liveplace, but it certainly doesnt sound like it was rendered in real time.
update 3: heres what otoys jules urbach has todo say:

the 14 mins of real time rendering in this material is streaming live todo a treo 700 at 240 kpbs. This was captured on march 2007, the server was running an Ati rx 1900 GPU. The tech has improved massively since then (as has the hw we now run on). There was never intention todo show any part of this todo the public until we could include voxel rendering and lightstage based characters. I think anyone who liked what they saw, Will find the final Project much more impressive.

The whole aim of our work last month on the Ruby demo for AMD was todo show that the quality of offline and real time work is idéntical starting with this generation of GPU. The following presentations this month are just introducing lightstage and how it makes characters (or any CG object) look 100% real in those real time environments.

The virtual worlds these technologies are going todo be applied todo was not meant todo be discussed until later this year, After one further announcement regarding the server side platform being developed for otoy.
We had nothing todo do with editing or leaquíng this video and cant comentario on anything other than the otoy technology, since this Project is still under nda.

Jules urbach.


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