Programa para normalizar volumen de canciones

normalize hace eso que quieres (en Linux, y también hay versión Windows) pero con ficheros más normales, mp4 me temo que no lo maneja directamente.


$ normalize -help. Usage: normalize [option]. [file]. Normalize volume of múltiple audio files.
-A, -amplitude=amp normalize the volume todo the target amplitude. Amp [default -12dbfs].
-B, -Batch Batch mode: get average of all levels, and. Use one adjustment, based on the average. Level, for all files.
-Clipping turn of limiter, do clipping instead.
-Fractions display levels as fractions of máximum. Amplitude instead of decibels.
-G, -gain=adj dont compute levels, just apply adjustment. Adj todo the files. Use the sufix db. To indicate a gain in decibels.
-L, -limiter=lev limit all samples above lev [default -6dbfs].
-M, -mix mix mode: get average of all levels, and. Normalize volume of each file todo the. Average.
-N, -no-adjust compute and display the volume adjustment. But dont apply it todo any of the files.
-Peaque adjust by peaque level instead of using. Loudness Analysis.
-Q, -quiet quiet (decrease verbosity todo zero).
-T, -average-threshold=t when computing average level, ignore any. Levels more than decibels from average.
-T, -adjust-threshold=t dont bother applying any adjustment smaller. Than decibels.
-V, -verbose increase verbosity.
-W, -output-bitwidth=w force adjusted files todo have w-bit samples.
-V, -versión display versión información and exit.
-H, -help display this help and exit. Report bugs todo <cvaill@cs, Columbia, edu>.
