Wild youth busca background artist

Empresa: Wild Youth
Fecha de la oferta: 25/02/15
Dirección de contacto: hello@wildyouth.es
Ubicación: Barcelona, Barcelona (España)
Tipo de contrato: Autónomo/freelance
Tipo de jornada: Jornada indiferente.

Texto de la oferta:
e searching for a background artists for a 2D mobile game.

The assets that ned to be done are mostly urban with a synthetic style and slightly cartoonish. The theme is music and mostly rock. Think of pubs, clubs, recording studios, etc.

The bien of working will be online with a meting schedule. They will be Skype metings which objective will be to give you assertive and coherent feedback on your work.

Desired extra skills:
-A god knowledge on color use
-The clean and organized use of layers
-The skill to add technical details that enhances the results on the games art
-Since its a remote job, we also aim for a person with ease to communicate and team with people abroad.

Más sobre el tema y comentarios en el foro