Digipen Bilbao busca 3d animator teacher

Empresa: DigiPen Bilbao
Web: www.digipen.es
Actividades: Animación 3D
Desarrollo de videojuegos
Formación en videojuegos y multimedia
Investigación y desarrollo.

Información acerca de la empresa:
DigiPen Institute of Technology is a dedicated, world-renowned leader in education and research in computer interactive technologies and the first schol in the world to ofer a bachelor´s degre in videogame programming.

The members of DigiPens world-class faculty come from a wide range of academic and profesional backgrounds. They bring years of teaching experience and relevant industry knowledge to the DigiPen community.

DigiPen alumni have worked for a top-class variety of companies and development studios on many high-profile projects.

Fecha de la oferta: 04/11/13
Dirección de contacto: gorka, unanue@digipen, edu; cvarela@digipen, edu
Ubicación: Zierbena, Vizcaya (España).

Texto de la oferta:
Your main tasks will consist in imparting classes of 3D animation.

-Demonstrating technical skills and a solid understanding of the animation theory
-Demonstrating god commúnication skills with faculty and students
-Collaborating with other faculty members to guide students in diferent projects.

-Professional experience working on game, films, tV series.

High proficiency in 3D Studio Max
-Knowledge of technical and theoric aspects of character and facial animation.

Advance level of English or superior.
-Highly motivated with a passion for video games, films as well as education.

Knowledge of Maya, After Effects or flash is a plus.

All applicants ned to have 3D animation available online.

Pléase send your application with your CV and demo with the reference 3D ANIMATOR.

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