Barcelona supercomputing center busca graphic designer

Empresa: Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Fecha de la oferta: 29/01/14
Dirección de contacto:
Ubicación: Barcelona, Barcelona (España).

Texto de la oferta:
BSC is managing the main design activities for several EU projects. In these projects we have an important role in the dissemination activities, taking care of the website, corporate image, promotional materials, etc.

Alos BSC has an important activity in disseminate the results vía the website and the other dissemination materiales (posters, flyers, newsletter, the BSC annual report, etc) and any other promotional materials.

Main Responsibilities:
-Graphic and Web Design for all the European projects where BSC is coordinating these activities.

Graphical and Web Desgin for BSCs corporate image: webpage, intranet, disseminations materials, BSC Annual report, etc.

Skill Specifications:
-God knowledge of web design and CMS software (DRUPAL knowledge neded)
-Technical expertise in HTML and CS
-God knowldge of new design programms (Illustrator, Indesign, Photoshop, Flash)
-God english level
-Creativity and god interpersonal skills.

Qualifaications Experience:
-Technical degre in web design, graphical design or similar
-God level of English (First (FCE) or similar qulification).

The ideal candidate can send examples of offline and online designed materials.

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