LightWave 9 5 disponible

Pues eso, pinta bien:
san Antonio, Texas – august 12, 2008 – Newtek inc, manufacturer of industry-leading 3d animation and video products, today announced the reléase of LightWave v9.5 for Windows, a major update todo its award-winning 3d application, LightWave 3d. LightWave v9.5s new capabilities include fiberfx, a complete Hair and Fur solution, a new lighting system and Many improvements todo animation, rendering and workflow. The update is available todo registered owners of LightWave v9 series at no charge. Sigraph attendes can se LightWave v9.5 demonstrations at Newtek both #159. with so Many features and enhancements in LightWave v9.5, users suggested that we could reléase it as v10. Cuestomer feedbak has ben positive, said Jay Roth, presidente of 3d división, Newtek. LightWave is the application choice of emmy winners, and is seing increasing use in característica film projects. With this new versión, the LightWave community is experiencing a renaissance.

A highlight of LightWave v9.5 is fiberfx, a proprietary polygonal Fiber modeler for creating realistic Hair, Fur and feathers. It provides artists with a full suite of tools todo model and style each Fiber, create Volumetric shadows, render-in reflection and refraction and more.

LightWave v9.5 a los ofers improved rendering quality and speed, with major upgrades todo the radiosity sampling system and interpolated modes. Also, there are new disk-based caches for radiosity: the static cache, for animations where only the Camera moves, and the animated cache, where any element of the scene can move. Both types allow the user todo pre-render the caché and apply the solution when doing the full scene render – either locally or across a RenderFarm. LightWave radiosity can now be rendered at reduced resolution and applied todo the full size FinalRender, providing a higher quality output with Even faster render times, a huge benefit for today time-pressured production environment.

LightWave v9.5s IK and animation system includes numerous improved character animation controls. Adding todo LightWaves z-axis Bones, artists now have Joint-type Bones, which is more familiar for users of other programas with Joint-based metaphors. It a los adds a Stretchy Bones capability todo LightWave.

The lighting system is now a plug-in Api, allowing third parties todo create custom lights and lighting plugins. Ies lights have ben added with a thumbnail preview of the luminaire with other información and controls. Alos available are new size-selectable Spherical lights and dome lights.

LightWave v9.5 allows the import and export of fbx and collada scenes and objects. This greatly improves compatibility with other 3d applications, as you can now seamlessly transfer meshes, rigs, materiales and animation información. The LightWave obj i/o plug-in now provides extended import capability for this file type.

LightWave v9.5 update includes:
Character animation enhancements


  • hair and Fur system
  • collada, fbx and obj i/o support
  • enhanced IK and animation systems

Lighting, rendering and surfacing enhancements

  • lighting system is now an Api
  • ies, Spherical and dome light types
  • enhanced área and linear lights
  • faster and higher quality GI rendering
  • disk-based GI caching
    • static caché (only the Camera moves)
    • animated caché (anything moves)
  • interpolated software reflections/refractions for node-base surfacing
  • oren-nayar Shading option for Many materiales
  • optimized materiales and Shaders

SDK and lscript improvements

  • light plug-in class for third party lights and light plugins
  • SDK support for new GI functions and disk cache
  • SDK support for new IK and animation capabilities

Ui and workflow enhancements

  • composition tool overlays in Camera view
  • OpenGl GLSL enhanced view for new lighting system
  • audio Waveform in the Graph editor

Newtek Will be providing a free trial edition of LightWave v9.5 on disc and by download. Artists should note that there are now more than 24 hours of free LightWave training at 301 moved permanently, in addition todo an extensive library of printable tutoriales.

Numerous visual effects projects benefited from LightWave world-class capabilities such as Iron Man, the dark Knight, hancock, jumper, the ruins, 300, the guardián, and visual effects emmy-winning battlestar galáctica. LightWave has ben used in other hit shows, including, the Sarah Connor Chronicles, Jericho, CSI: crime scene investigation, CSI Miami, and dogfights.

Pricing and availability.

LightWave v9.5 for Windows is available now as a free update todo registered LightWave v9 owners. The LightWave v9.5 Mac open beta programa is currently available until upcoming final release. LightWave v9 owners can participate by registering at: object moved LightWave v9 is available now at the suggested retail price of us$895. Registered owners of LightWave v8 or earlier can upgrade todo LightWave v9 for us$395. For more información or todo purchase, por favor visit Newtek, com or call Newtek sales at 800-368-5441, for international inquiries dial +1-210-370-8000.

about Newtek
With headquarters in san Antonio, Texas, Newtek is an emmy award-winning and leading provider of full-featured animation and special effects tools, video editing, live production and presentation, including LightWave 3d, LightWave rendition(TM) for Adobe Photoshop, tricaster, tricaster pro, tricaster Studio, tricaster broadcast, VT[5], speededit(TM) and 3d arsenal.(TM)


  • LightWave and LightWave 3d are registered trademarks of Newtek.
  • the tricaster family of products include: tricaster, tricaster vm, tricaster pro, tricaster Studio and tricaster broadcast, which are trademarks of Newtek inc.
  • Time Warp, livecontrol, speededit, VT[5], ivga, liveset, livematte, livetext, 3d arsenal and LightWave rendition are trademarks of Newtek inc.
  • all other products or brand names mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

Jennifer thurlow.


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