Core is dead

Creo que no se ha hablado sobre el nuevo rumbo en el desarrollo de LightWave 3d de Newtek. Expongo un breve resumen y muy subjetivo del tema en cuestión. Newtek anuncia el inicio del desarrollo de LightWave Core, algo, así como un futuro Houdini para artistas, mientras sigue el desarrollo de LightWave. Posteriormente se inicia un programa de beta testers del nuevo programa. Luego lanzan LightWave 10 incorporando tecnología del Core y anuncian grandes cambios y retrasos en el desarrollo del Core y su evolución. El 22 de junio de 2011 se anuncia que se decide renunciar al Core como una aplicación absolutamente nueva y se pretende incorporar los avances y desarrollar el LightWave actual. Los foros sobre LightWave arden, sobre todo porque entienden que no han facilitado una explicación clara del nuevo rumbo del programa.
Roberto Ortiz, moderador del foro de CGtalk, ha tratado de dar confianza y aclarar a los usuarios de LightWave los motivos de la polémica decisión. Nos viene a decir que desde que el código de LightWave ha sido rescrito en el mismo que el Core (C++), ambas bases pueden hablar entre ellas. Se pretende que el viejo código sea eliminado gradualmente por el nuevo mientras el desarrollo avanza. Destaca el primer gran paso es reemplazar la scene/application Graph (personalmente me parece una tarea ardua) la gran ventaja que apunta es que permitirá que se puedan usar los avances tanto del viejo LightWave (plugins de terceros sobre todo) como de la nueva programación basada en el Core.

El tiempo juzgara.
new approach todo deliver new technology (anuncio de Newtek).

Based on the positive success we had integrating the Core technology-driven vpr into LightWave 10, we have decided todo change course for how we intend todo deliver Core technology. Rather than create a re-branded, new product in a sepárate Package–which considering the constant evolution of technology, could take months or Even years–we plan todo implement the Core technology advancements directly into LightWave itself, in an iterative fashion. We are aware that re-writes and updates todo the underlying architecture for LightWave Will be necessary todo accommodate the advanced features that Core technology represents, and we are confident that these re-writes are posible. The final manda and objective remains: incorpórate new features and benefits from Core technology into LightWave so our customer base can benefit from the most powerful, useful, and intuitive 3d tools in the industry. .
Roberto Ortiz (artículo en el foro de CGtalk).

LightWave has ben converted todo compile as C++ a long time hago (somewhere around 2005), meaning that C++ can be used across the codebase, and it is being used.

The Core SDK and its components make most sense todo use in Layout as-is, no ned for re-writing.

The integration has todo be incremental, the biggest/most important step being the replacement of the scene/application Graph.
the existing c SDK Will have todo be adapted todo the Core scene Graph internally, for existing plugins/scripts todo continúe todo work.

For plugins/scripts leveraging all features the Core SDK/scene Graph has todo ofer they Will have todo be written using the Core plugin system..
the Core SDK and its components are modular by design and can be tested and developed as independent units sepárate from the application as a whole.

Guys this is the best of both worlds..

Core has become LightWave, and you still get classic LightWave functionality.

Add todo that the fact that Core was developer as a replacement for modeler.

It means that now, in theory, a single integrated aplication is now posible.

In plain english.

Core is not dead.

Core is now LightWave.

Since the code of LightWave has ben rewritten into the same language as Core.

And it s object oriented, both code bases now can share the same space and talque todo each other. The older part of the code Will be slowly eliminated as development goes forward.

This allows Newtek todo use Core as its principla development platform for future releases of LightWave.…8&postcount=81.

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